Girls ages 4-5 are encouraged to register for T-Ball and girls ages 6 (and/or 7) are encouraged to register for MP Baseball.
Minors Softball (Ages 7-10)
Minors softball is for girls who are League age 8 to 10.
Player pitch with coach relief pitching:
Kids pitch from 35', using 11" balls. When a player has pitched 4 balls, the batter gets the remaining count of strikes plus one pitch as pitched by her own coach. On the 3rd strike, the batter is out. If the batter watches her last pitch, she is out.
Base stealing is allowed when the ball reaches the batter- no leading off.
No dropped 3rd strike.
A maximum of 5 runs per 1/2 inning are allowed or 3 outs, whichever comes first.
Games are 6 innings or no new inning after 1 hour 30 minutes, whichever comes first.
No more than 3 games per week will be scheduled.
Games are played at the Anthem Little League fields.
In the Fall, teams are assigned randomly. In the Spring, all players must attend try-outs and Managers draft players.
***Please refer to the quick reference guide for specific rules for each season.***
Majors Softball (Ages 10-12)
Majors softball is for girls who are League age 10 to 12.
Kids pitch from 40', using 12" balls.
Base stealing is allowed when the ball leaves the pitchers hand - no leading off.
Dropped 3rd strike applies.
Games are 6 innings or no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes, whichever comes first.
No more than 3 games per week will be scheduled.
Games are played at the Anthem Little League fields.
In the Fall, teams are assigned randomly. In the Spring, players must attend try-outs and Managers draft players.
***Please refer to the quick reference guide for specific rules for each season.***