League Age Calculator
If you are unsure what your players league age is please use the calculator on the Little League Website Here
T-Ball (Ages 4-6)
- T-Ball is an instructional league for both boys and girls, League ages 4, 5 and 6.
- Scores and standings are not kept.
- There are no outs.
- Games are no longer than 4 innings or 1 hour, whichever comes first.
- Each team bats the entire lineup every inning.
- Batters hit from a tee.
- Batters are not allowed to advance beyond first base regardless of the hit.
- The last batter in each inning is allowed to hit a "home run", meaning he or she can run around the bases, regardless of the hit.
- All players play the field every inning. Players should play in position as best as possible.
- Coaches are permitted to be on the field with the players.
- Parents/Guardians are encouraged to stay with their children at practices and games.
- Games are played at the Anthem Little League or Softball fields.
- Teams are randomly assigned for both spring and fall seasons.
- Practice and game times during the week start at 5:30pm.
- Practice and game times on Saturday generally start at 8:30 am but can be at any time throughout the day.
Machine Pitch Minors Baseball (Ages 5-8)
- Machine Pitch baseball is an instructional league for both boys and girls, League Ages 5 to 8.
(Five and six year olds may register for Machine Pitch but MUST have played one season of SPRING Little League Tee Ball, and MUST contact the Player Agent to register.)
- Scores and standings are not kept.
- Games are 6 innings or 1 hour 30 minutes, whichever comes first.
- No more than 3 games per week will be scheduled.
- Simple, mechanical pitching machines are used from a distance of about 40'.
- Players receive 7 pitches or 3 strikes. If the 7th pitch is fouled off, the batter is out. There are no walks.
- All players bat in consecutive order regardless of whether they played the field that inning or not.
- There are no batting substitutions allowed.
- The play is dead when the ball is back to the pitcher/coach.
- Nine players play the field. HDLL recommends rotating the players to different positions at least every 2 innings.
- No player should sit out more than 2 innings per game.
- Bats must have USA Baseball stamp - Tball bats are NOT allowed.
- No stealing, bunting, or leading off is allowed.
- If the player hits the ball and the ball hits the coach, the ball is still live.
- Runners may advance one base on a overthrow.
- If the ball is hit to the outfield, the runner may advance until the ball is back to the infield.
- A maximum of 5 runs per 1/2 inning are allowed or 3 outs, whichever comes first.
- Coaches are permitted to be on the field with the players.
- Games are played at the Anthem Little League or Softball fields.
- Teams are drafted by the team managers in the spring season based on tryouts and randomly assigned in the fall season.
- Practice and game times during the week start at 5:30pm.
- Practice and game times on Saturday generally start at 8:30 am but can be at any time throughout the day.
Minors Baseball (Ages 7-11)
- Minors baseball is a competitive league in the Spring for players of league ages 7 to 11; games scores and standings are kept. It is an instructional league in the Fall; no scores or standings are kept. In the Spring, 7 and 8 year olds who are NOT drafted onto a AA team, will be entered into the draft for Machine Pitch Minors. No exceptions.
- Kids pitch overhand from the pitching mound at 46 feet.
- Walks, bunts, and base stealing are allowed.
- No dropped third strike.
- A maximum of 5 runs per 1/2 inning are allowed or 3 outs, whichever comes first. The 5 run limit is suspended for the 6th inning only.
- Games are 6 innings; however, no new inning may be started after 1 hour and 45 minutes.
- No more than 3 games per week will be scheduled.
- Games are played at the Anthem Little League fields.
- Minors is broken out into two divisions: AA (ages 7-10), and AAA (ages 9-11).
- Teams are drafted by the team managers in the spring season based on tryouts and randomly assigned in the fall season. In the Spring, all players are asked to attend try-outs, any player that does not attend tryouts becomes a "hat pick" and placed in the lowest division eligible for. For the spring, a player can be drafted to any division they are eligible for based on league age.
(Please refer to the quick reference guide/by-laws for specific rules for each season and each division.)
- Practice and game times during the week start at 5:30pm for AA and may be as late as 7:30pm for AAA.
- Practice and game times on Saturday will vary and could be at any time throughout the day.
Majors Baseball (Ages 10-12)
- Majors baseball is for players of League age 10 to 12.
- This is a competitive league in the spring (games scores and standings are kept). It is an instructional league in the fall.
- Kids pitch overhand from the pitching mound at 46 feet.
- Walks, bunts, and base stealing are allowed.
- Dropped third strike applies.
- Games are 6 innings but no new inning may be started after 1 hour 45 minutes.
- No more than 3 games per week will be scheduled.
- Games are played at the Anthem Little League fields.
- Teams are drafted by the team managers in the spring season based on tryouts and randomly assigned in the fall season. In the Spring, all players are asked to attend try-outs, any player that does not attend tryouts becomes a "hat pick" and placed in the lowest division eligible for. For the spring, a player can be drafted to any division they are eligible for based on league age.
(Please see the quick reference guide/by-laws for specific rules for each season)
- Practice and game times during the week start at 7:30pm.
- Majors may have practice or games on Saturdays.
Juniors and Seniors Baseball (Ages 13-15)
- Juniors and Seniors baseball is for players of League Age 13 to 15.
- Teams are drafted by the team managers in the spring season based on tryouts and randomly assigned in the fall season. In the Spring, all players are asked to attend try-outs, any player that does not attend tryouts becomes a "hat pick" and is randomly assigned to a team.
(Please see the quick reference guide/by-laws for specific rules for each season)
- If possible, the spring season starts in February for practice and games start in March.